Wednesday, July 26, 2006


This isn't all I meant to write, but these days I'm having a hard time gathering my thoughts. I wish it was better:

Love. Your will be done.

Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is self-sacrifice. Sacrifice for another self. Love is all.

Love creates. Love satisfies. Love shares (itself and everything it has). Love is long-suffering, bearing all for the sake of the beloved. There is no greater gift. Without love, nothing can satisfy, because everything is for and of love. Love is the meaning of life.

Wind by its very nature is in motion. If it stops, it is no longer wind, just air. The word ‘wind’ means “air that is moving”. It is only wind if it moves. Love by its very nature is free. It can never be forced. Love is only free; only given; never forced, wheedled or bought.

Love gives. It cannot but give. And it never takes - only receives what is offered by the beloved.

Contrary to popular belief, love is not blind. Love sees all, and loves the whole person (not just parts) for him or her self, good or bad. Love understands.

Love is romantic and idealistic - so much so that it almost crosses into foolishness. Love itself is never foolish, but people in love sometimes are.

I wish I was loved. It’s what I’ve wanted most in the world. I cannot serve my purpose to love unless someone lets me. A person only lets another love them when he or she loves that person too. I want to be loved so I can love back. With the fullest expression.

Love must express itself. And it can only be truly fulfilled when it is received.


Blogger Symeon said...

Hi! I just realised I had set my blog to not automatically accept comments... I didn't see I had comments until now... after 1,5 years... that is embarrasing!

Tue Mar 06, 06:07:00 PM PST  

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